Can you take on a role?

The Society has an urgent need to fill three key roles: Treasurer, Publicity Officer and Social Media Marketeer. The first two roles will become open at the end of this year when officers Ian Hendley and Fred Barrett step back after serving for many years. Social Media Marketeer is a new role that has been created because the Society’s Council of Management feels that the Society really needs to improve its social media presence.

Could you, or anyone you know, fill one of these roles?

Please see the below links for role descriptions. You’ll see that a fourth role description for Assistant Treasurer is included as Council would be happy for the Treasurer role to be split into two with bookkeeping responsibilities delegated to a new Assistant Treasurer role.

For the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Publicity Officer roles, a full handover will be performed by the current incumbents. As Social Media Marketeer is a new role, there is the opportunity for you to shape it but Council will help you.

It will be important for the new Treasurer to become a Trustee and join Council. This is also highly desirable for the new Publicity Officer. It’s not required for the Social Media Marketeer and Assistant Treasurer roles.

Interested? Have questions? Not sure whether you’d be able to do a role? Please contact Ian Hendley, SUCS Secretary for more information and to discuss further: or 07400 320297.

Ian Hendley on behalf of Council

Posted in Shropshire Union Canal Society.

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