Funds can be raised from your online shopping through the Give as you Live website. It’s really simple, does not cost you anything and can raise much needed funds for the Society.
Just create an account at You just need to specify your name and email address and to choose The Shropshire Union Canal Society as your chosen charity. No financial information is required.
Once you’ve logged on, you can select a store, eg John Lewis, Marks and Spencer, and if that store is affiliated to Give as you Live, you will be taken to the store’s website for you to shop as usual. By following this route, the Society will receive a percentage of the amount you spend (which varies according to the store). You just have to remember to logon to Give as you Live and then use their site to take you to your chosen store.
Over 6,000 stores are affiliated to Just as you Give and a wide range of products that can be purchased: Clothing, Food, Holidays, Electricals etc. Please take a look and donate to SUCS at no cost to you each time you shop.