The Shropshire Union Canal Society is one of many parties involved with waterways across the region. A list of our commercial members, canal societies, canal organisations and other related material is provided below.
Please note we are not responsible for the content of the websites linked here.
The current restoration of the Montgomery Canal also involves many parties. The canal is owned by the Canal and River Trust. There is a large umbrella grouping – the Montgomery Canal Partnership – which has representatives covering the full range of interests, including local authorities, conservation organisations and waterway groups. Those involved with Schoolhouse Bridge go under the banner ‘Restore the Montgomery Canal!’
We thank the following organisations who advertise in Cuttings, the Society’s quarterly magazine.
Any organisation wishing to advertise in Cuttings should please contact Richard Feeney on 07920 708255 or email him via
Commercial Members
Anybody wishing to apply for commercial membership should please contact the SUCS membership secretary Richard Feeney on 07920 708255 or email him via
Inland Waterways Association – Chester & Merseyside Branch
A local branch of the national charity working to protect and restore navigable rivers and canals
Llanymynech Canal Wharf
A community-run facility which welcomes visitors and tourists to the “international parish” of Llanymynech
The Shropshire Union Fly-Boat Restoration Society
Saturn – the last horse-drawn Shropshire Union Canal fly-boat
Commercial Donors
Co-op Local Community Fund
Once registered, you only need to show your Co-op membership card when purchasing any Co-op branded goods for the Society to receive 1% of your spend.
Monty’s Brewery
Monty’s Brewery are supporting the Crickheath South restoration project on the Montgomery Canal by making a donation for every pint of Navigation Pale Ale that is sold.
Shropshire Union organisations
Bywater Cruises
A horse-drawn narrowboat that provides cruises through unspoilt Shropshire countryside on the Montgomery Canal
The Heulwen Trust
A charity that offers people who are less abled free trips along the canal in Welshpool
Inland Waterways Association – Shrewsbury & North Wales Branch
A local branch of the national charity working to protect and restore navigable rivers and canals
Neighbouring Groups and Projects
Staffordshire & Worcestershire Canal Society
Runs between the Trent & Mersey Canal at Great Heywood and Stourport on the River Severn
Staffordshire Waterways Group
Partnership of canal societies, Canal & River Trust and local authorities