December 2021 work party report

The final restoration work party of the year was, compared to some of what had gone before, a rather low key event. A day and a half of effort ticked off a variety of jobs. […]

November 2021 work party report

It seems that the society is indebted to the Gulf Stream once more. In a month in which we required dry weather to complete the outstanding earthworks we got just that courtesy of our ally […]

October 2021 work party report

The six days of volunteer effort during October markedly changed the appearance of much of the site. This was partly due to the annual vegetation bash, but also because after months of work the section between […]

September 2021 work party report

What a difference a month makes! All of a sudden there is a long section of lined channel to admire, and full-height banks are re-appearing in the section of channel near the solar farm. And […]

August 2021 work party report

It was a case of bash on despite the weather over the two August weekends. The headline news is that lining/blocking has started at long last, and that the Hell Hole is no more! Heavy […]

July 2021 work party report

This month saw two ‘milestone events’ on the construction programme reached. The fourth and final bank requiring surcharge was finished, and the protracted preparations for the start of lining work were, at long last, completed. […]