Taking into account the feedback received on the Chairman’s Report in Winter 2021 Cuttings, and the fact that membership subscriptions have not risen in line with inflation for the last 20 years, it is felt that it is time that subs were increased. Council recommends that the annual membership subscription rates for individuals, couples and families should rise from £10 to £15p.a., Corporate membership should rise from £25 to £30p.a. and Life membership should rise from £200 to £300. The new rates would still be less than had they risen at the same rate as inflation. The changes would apply when the new membership year starts on 1st July. Society articles require that any increase in subs is approved by the members. A General Meeting of members has therefore been scheduled for April 16, 2022 at 12 midday.
Please see below for the agenda and joining instructions. The Membership Secretary will also email all members for whom addresses are held during the week prior to the GM with instructions as to how to join the meeting. If you have not provided your email address (or are unsure whether you have done so) but would like to join the meeting, please email the membership secretary via sucsmemsec@gmail.com and state whether this email address should only be used for the purpose of this meeting.
If you are unable to attend the meeting and would like somebody else to vote on your behalf, please complete and return this proxy form.
Should you have any questions about the meeting, please contact the Society’s Secretary Ian Hendley:
- Email: thehendleys@btinternet.com
- Post: 28 Millfield Drive, Market Drayton, TF9 1HS.
A General Meeting of the Shropshire Union Canal Society Limited will be held on Saturday, April 16, 2022 at 12 midday will be held using Zoom video conferencing:
- Election of Chairperson for this meeting.
- Apologies for absence.
- Reminder of the procedure for this meeting.
- Adoption of the minutes of the 2021 AGM (held on 8th January 2022).
- Approval of the increase of subscription rates announced in the Spring 2022 edition of Cuttings.
- Any other business
Joining Instructions
To attend the Zoom meeting by video, you will need a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone with a camera and a microphone. You can then either use the Zoom application (having previously installed it) or connect to Zoom within a browser.
If you do not have access to one of these devices, you can still dial into the meeting using a mobile or traditional phone. You will need to call an 020 number.
Only one person should speak at a time. If you wish to speak and are attending over video, please alert the chair by raising your hand. If you are dialling into the meeting, please make a verbal request and state your name at a suitable point. Your microphone should be muted during the meeting unless and until you are invited to speak by the chair. At that point, please ensure your microphone is turned on and state your name before speaking.
If you are attending the meeting over video:
- Please use this URL: https://tinyurl.com/sucsgm22
- Or specify meeting ID 819 2316 2346 and password 474892.
If you are dialling into the meeting:
- Please call 020 3481 5237 and when asked for:
- Meeting ID: type in 81923162346 followed by the hash key
- Participant ID: just press the hash key
- Password: type in 474892 followed by the hash key.
So that we can keep track of who has attended the GM, if you are attending over video, using the Chat facility, please specify your first and last name; if you are attending by dialling in, please announce your first and last name when joining.
Update (April 16, 2022)
The General Meeting approved the proposed increase in subscription rates. They will take effect for the membership year starting July 1, 2022.