Would you like to be editor of Cuttings?!

Rod and Carol Hamilton-King will be standing down as editors of Cuttings after the production of the Summer issue. The society is therefore seeking a replacement for this role.

Cuttings is the major channel of communication for the society to members and the wider world. The results of the recent survey of SUCS members show that Cuttings is the most highly valued feature of society membership.

The role is voluntary; is ideally suited to home working; and could be fulfilled by a single person, a couple or even a group of friends or family.

Cuttings has a well deserved reputation of being one of the foremost canal society magazines. Rod and Carol have kindly offered to discuss with potential applicants what the job entails and subsequently to provide support to the new editor/s.

Please contact David Carter (dcartersucs@gmail.com) in the first instance if you are interested.

Posted in Shropshire Union Canal Society.

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